I don’t know about you but…

I have no business being negative, but too often I am. So here’s where I’m hoping to provide a positive experiece for us today.

I’ll write about what I’m learning, what I’m grateful for, and maybe what I’m thinking about various cultural matters. And when I do, I’ll try to be encouraging. We don’t need more anger and frustration.

You’re invited to comment, too! Maybe along the way we’ll do some Q & A.

About Eric Puff

I’ve been an associate pastor for more than 20 years. I’m married to an amazing wife and we have four terrific children. I won’t always write about faith and spirituality, but I will do my best to share from a biblical perspective.

Want to reach out to me? Email me at news@ericpuff.com.

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Hoping to provide a positive experiece today
